The montanera begins: Everything you need to know to choose your Iberian pork
At Montesano we are passionate about Iberian pork. That is why we strive to spread the culture and history that surrounds the process of making the most exquisite Iberian products. This month is very special for us, because the montanera begins and we want to teach you how to choose the perfect Iberian pork for you. The montanera is the last phase of breeding of the Iberian pig in which the animal roams the pasture, feeding and fattening among cork oak and holm oak forests, its main fruit being the acorn.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphThe Montanera is usually carried out between the months of October and March, giving rise to perfect, high-quality pieces. Previously, in our blog “ The Montanera is over ” we talked about food, the environment and the pig farmer during the montanera, but on this occasion we want to expand your knowledge and explain how knowing the process of the montanera makes you understand the different types of free-range pig there are so that you can choose the one that best suits what you want. Keep reading!
/wp:paragraph wp:headingOn the Iberian breed and the montanera
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The Iberian pig is a breed native to the Iberian Peninsula, characterized by having long, drooping ears, elongated snouts, long, tall legs and black fur. Another of its unique features is its ability to infiltrate fat into the muscle. This characteristic provides juiciness and flavor to its meat, resulting in a unique and inimitable ham. In addition, it is a meat with a high content of monounsaturated fats that helps reduce bad cholesterol. Essential amino acids, belonging to the fatty acid profile with a high content of oleic, linoleic and palmitic acid. It also stands out for being a source of protein and having a high content of zinc, magnesium and folic acid.
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However, it is not only its physical features that make this breed so special, but also its breeding, especially between the months of October and March. During this period is when the montanera takes place, an essential time for the Iberian pig. The reason is that during this important cycle the animal is in permanent contact with nature, feeding freely on grass and acorns until it reaches its ideal weight. Both the diet and the weight it reaches are decisive for the quality of the ham.
This process takes place during the autumn because during these months the acorn falls from the top of the trees and is at the perfect point of ripeness and flavour. In this way, the pig can access it, fattening naturally and at its own pace in the Dehesa de Extremadura. It is the acorn that provides the nutrients and healthy fats that make the Iberian pig have this magnificent quality.
This production process can be easily detected by the ham's ties. We will tell you what each one means so that you can choose the perfect Iberian ham.
Types of Iberian ham ties
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The type of food that the Iberian pig receives during its rearing is important, as it determines the colour of the bridle that the piece of Iberian ham must have in order to be marketed and distinguished by the consumer. The parents and their genetic purity are also essential for this.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphThe bridles are plastic seals that are placed on the hoof of the Iberian ham. They can be black, red, green and white, depending on different characteristics. The regulations of the ASICI (Interprofessional Association of Iberian Pigs) establish their obligatory nature.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading {"level":3}Black bridle
/wp:heading wp:paragraphThe black bridle corresponds to 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham. This means that the piece comes from an animal with 100% genetic purity of the Iberian breed and that has been fed only on acorns and resources from the Dehesa during the montanera. Its minimum weight is 108 kg. These are the highest quality pieces, such as our 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham or our 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham DO Extremadura .
/wp:paragraph wp:heading {"level":3}Red bridle
/wp:heading wp:paragraphThe red bridle belongs to pigs that have also been fed with acorns, but whose genetic purity is less than 100%. In these cases, the exact percentage, which is usually 50% or 75% , is identified on the label of the ham. For example, the 50% Iberian acorn-fed ham corresponds to this label.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading {"level":3}Green bridle
/wp:heading wp:paragraphThe green bridle refers to a piece whose diet has been based on acorns, resources from the Dehesa, feed, cereals and legumes. This is known as field bait, as in Ibéricos Montesano where you can find 50% Iberian breed field bait ham. The Iberian percentage of these hams is also usually 50% or 75%.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading {"level":3}White bridle
/wp:heading wp:paragraphFinally, the white bridle is placed on the grain-fed hams. That is, those that have been fed only on feed. In our online store you can find 50% Iberian grain-fed ham from Monte Roble.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphAlthough the Iberian pigs with black, red and green bridles have been fed, to a greater or lesser extent, on acorns, this is not the case with the pieces identified with the white bridle.
/wp:paragraph wp:headingHow to choose your perfect Iberian ham
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With all this information in mind, it's time to choose your perfect Iberian ham. To make the right decision and enjoy your purchase to the fullest, it's important to take into account a number of factors.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading {"level":3}Whole piece or sliced
/wp:heading wp:paragraphBoth whole pieces of Iberian ham and the already sliced product offer exquisite quality and flavour. However, if you consider that cutting the piece yourself is also part of the pleasure of eating Iberian ham and you have experience in cutting it, we recommend that you choose the whole piece.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphHowever, if you are a lover of Iberian ham, but you prioritize speed and convenience , it is better to choose to buy the product sliced by master ham makers and vacuum packed. This way you will only need to open the package 20 minutes before eating the ham and, after that time, it will have the same texture as when freshly cut.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphRacial percentage and flavor intensity
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphAs we have already explained, the percentage of genetic purity of the Iberian pig is also another factor that influences the colour of the bridle of a piece. In the case of 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham , the flavour is more complex and has a very wide range of nuances and aromas.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphType of feed (acorn, field feed, feed)
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphLast but not least, the type of pig fed is crucial to its flavour and quality. In the case of pieces that have been fed only on acorns and resources from the Dehesa (black and red bridle), we are faced with true gastronomic gems that are difficult to forget.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphIf, although you want quality, you are also looking for a more affordable price, we recommend that you choose a green bridle ham.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphIf after all this information you still have doubts, don't worry. At the Ibéricos Montesano store we can help you choose the perfect Iberian ham for you. Contact us and we will resolve all your doubts.