The secrets of a perfect ham cut
Whether you are a fan of Iberian ham, you have been given one as a gift or you simply want to venture into this interesting world, you have surely had doubts about how to correctly cut it. That is why today we bring you a series of tips and frequently asked questions so that you do not doubt for a second how to achieve a perfect cut of Iberian ham. Let's get to it!
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How should ham be cleaned?
/wp:heading wp:paragraphFirst of all, we must start cutting from the maza and not from the chin or the back. That is, we do not start cutting the ham from the narrowest part leaving the hoof facing downwards, but rather the opposite, with the hoof facing upwards. In this way we will begin cutting from the most cured and least juicy area.
/wp:paragraph wp:headingHow should ham be cut step by step?
/wp:heading wp:paragraphFirst of all, it is very important to position the cutter in front of the ham. It should be perpendicular to the cutter's body, trying to form a ninety-degree angle, always with the hoof at the furthest point. Another element that we must control is the left hand, which should be placed at a different height than the knife to avoid accidents.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphNext, the first incision is made in the shank area, the upper part of the ham. A deep cut must be made by tilting the knife and placing it perpendicular to the piece. When making this incision, it must reach the bone in order to more easily remove the fat and tendons from this area. Then, in order to begin slicing the ham, the rind is removed, as well as the yellow fat that covers the ham. But be careful, it is very important to remove only the part that you are going to consume so that the rest of the meat remains tender.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphOnce the area is free of rind and fat, start cutting slices of ham. This should be done from the hoof to the tip with gentle movements.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphFinally, to prevent the ham from acquiring a certain rancid taste, it is advisable to clean and shape the piece, as well as remove any unnecessary rind.
/wp:paragraph wp:headingWhat is the ideal size for slices?
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One of the most important characteristics of a good slice is that it is thin. The perfect slice should be able to fit in the mouth whole, that is, it should not be necessary to break it, in this way you will enjoy all its flavour. Another important element is the amount of fat that it should have, which is recommended to be a maximum of one third, although this depends on taste.
/wp:paragraph wp:headingAnd if you are one of those who prefer to play it safe…
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If you prefer to make sure that your Iberian ham doesn't go bad due to a bad cut, more and more brands are offering ready-to-eat knife-cut formats . From whole hams cut by master carvers to individual packets to suit all needs. All you have to do is open it and serve it. Discover them!