The acorn and its nutritional characteristics
The acorn is an essential fruit for the production of other quality products such as ham. In fact, Iberian acorn-fed ham is closely linked to the montanera period of the year. From autumn to the end of winter, the pig enjoys freedom of movement in the open spaces of the pasture. And there it feeds mainly on the different varieties of acorns that it finds along the way at an optimal moment of ripeness and flavour.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphThe ingredient gives a unique touch to a good product. One of the characteristics of the acorn is that it is protected by the outer shell that surrounds it. It is formed in trees that grow mainly in environments with a Mediterranean climate. There are different varieties depending on their origin: they grow on cork oaks, holm oaks or oak trees.
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Nutritional properties
/wp:heading wp:paragraphBelow we present some of the most outstanding and representative properties of the acorn:
/wp:paragraph wp:heading1. Low-fat food
/wp:heading wp:paragraphFirst of all, it is a gluten-free ingredient, which makes it very versatile in cooking. Secondly, it contains a high water content. It should be noted that it is a low-fat food that helps maintain a balanced weight. It is low in calories, but provides a feeling of satiety. Acorns have positive effects on health. For example, they strengthen bones because they contain calcium.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading2. Nutrients that strengthen bone health
/wp:heading wp:paragraphWhat other nutritional properties does the product have? It contains potassium, a mineral that contributes positively to maintaining bone health. On the other hand, it is a product that has a high phosphorus content, a mineral that is also linked to bone care. Its presence in a varied and balanced diet is very important. Although it should be noted that it is advisable to avoid two extremes that are not recommended: the absence of phosphorus or excess.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading3. Vitamins of group C
/wp:heading wp:paragraphIn addition, acorns are a source of vitamins for the body. They contain vitamin C. Therefore, they have positive health benefits. For example, their consumption prevents cold symptoms and strengthens the immune system.
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4. B vitamins
/wp:heading wp:paragraphAcorns also contain B vitamins. What positive effects do they have in the short term? They provide a source of energy. And, consequently, they reduce the feeling of tiredness in everyday life. They provide strength and vitality to cope with the tasks of the day. On the other hand, acorns contain carbohydrates and proteins.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading5. Oleic acid
/wp:heading wp:paragraphIt also provides oleic acid, a component that is present in other ingredients characteristic of the Mediterranean diet. For example, it is directly linked to olive oil. It is an element that enriches the flavour and nutritional properties of Iberian ham. And what health benefits does it provide to the body? It is an ally for optimal cardiovascular health care. Therefore, it protects the heart. On the other hand, it favours the maintenance of a healthy and balanced weight. Its moderate consumption, consequently, reduces the risk of being overweight. And this fact has a general influence on overall well-being.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading6. Nutrients of group E
/wp:heading wp:paragraphAs we have mentioned, acorns are a source of vitamins for the body. They also contain nutrients from group E. Despite all the benefits of this food, its consumption is not so common in today's lifestyle. Although it does occupy a prominent place in the history of Mediterranean cuisine. In addition, it can also be enjoyed through other preparations such as acorn-fed Iberian ham.
/wp:paragraph wp:headingDiscover other curiosities about the acorn
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It has a bitter taste that is related to the presence of tannins in the shell and in the product. Therefore, before consumption, it must be removed through a specialized process called debittering. Although it should be noted that there are also varieties of acorn that attract attention for their sweet taste. What other nutritional properties identify the acorn? It has monounsaturated fats, fiber and magnesium. It is a product that is reminiscent of other nuts such as chestnuts. It is an energetic product that can be used in the preparation of different home-cooked recipes. The nutritional properties of the acorn are also an inspiration in the world of cosmetics to moisturize the skin. In fact, it provides an astringent action that protects the tissues and increases skin resilience.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphTherefore, the acorn is a quality product, rich in antioxidants. It is grown on trees of the quercus species that are so characteristic of the dehesa landscape. At Ibéricos Montesano we are specialists in the production of products from the Iberian pig. Iberian acorn-fed ham and shoulder are the star products in our catalogue. Don't wait any longer and discover them in our direct sales catalogue and in the Ibericca online store !